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New York 2008 What's New File
What's NEW in these versions ... stuff to check out ...
Totally new stuff that's added to the game.
Descriptions of bugs that were fixed in this version.
Fixed something that allowed cheating!
Known maybe-bugs:
Might be just system specific bugs, and I could not duplicate them
although I tried. If you find these, send me EXACT description of what
is happening!
Docs Changes:
Important changes to the docs
The 1.?? series releases
- No changes since 0.13
- FREEWARE, Public Domain!
The 0.1? series releases
v0.13 (minor release NEVER RELEASED!)
- Bad words support. Will replace bad words with #@!$#% (read sysop.doc)
- Chat wink bug fixed
- Minor cosmetic changes to nyedit.exe.
- Few NEW enemies.
- A little bit of code clean up and performance increase (slight)
Docs Changes:
- New York 2008 Now published by PraetorSoft (Franz's company)
- Partenrs for Peace is back online so this is the official USA
distro site again!
v0.12 (bugfix release)
- The weapons selecting bug was fixed, moved weapons up so that there is
no "Q" conflict in selecting.
- The menus*.* lines*.* files updated.
- Mail reading bug fixed, man this was a tough one to find.
Docs Changes:
- No old addresses anymore in the contact.doc/register.doc
v0.11 (major release)
- 11 New weapons added!
- NYEDIT updated because of this!
- This is the 0.1? final release!
- Stack size was increased to 20k since I received several errors which looked
like stack overflow
- Several missplelings in the game itself were fixed.
Docs Changes:
- Cosmetic and spelling errors fixed in the manuals
- Distro site list has been updated.
- New addresses in the contact.doc/register.doc
v0.10 WIDE BETA 1
This is basically the beta 3 release I have had little time to work on it,
but the game itself seems to be stable. The InterBBS is having problems but
with a limited beta sites I have not gotten enough feedback ... only from
one site on which it didn't work.
- InterBBS play, read INTERBBS.DOC for more info on how to participate in
an InterBBS game. It works only with registered sysops. You can now
interact with other BBSes, through fido type mail networks. I will work on
an Internet options, though it might not be hard to set it up even now.
Local IBBS games can also be set up, with fake node numbers (1:1/1 ...)
- There are one new command line option linked to the InterBBS, -IBBSM,
see INTERBBS.DOC for more info!
- NYIBBS.EXE is added for the interbbs processing, Look at INTERBBS.DOC for
- RIP is here ... that's the major improvement in this version!
- Two screen saving levels now, if a person is given an online message or
something similiar happens, the screen is saved and then restored ... same
as with chat. Now you can chat AND the user can be in a screen saving event
all at the same time ... won't corrupt screen if more then two levels are
- Few new enemies. Not many but a few.
- Full screen chat mode much like KewlChat 1.2, even supports RIP(remote
graphics only though, locally it looks like ANSI)!...
- Three abilities throwing,punching,kicking. For throwing the player needs
a rock. This can only be found in one of the events. The initial abilities
for exeisting users are set to be distributed evenly (since they already
had level raises and existing users also get 2 rocks free). Each level
raise the user can pick one ability to increase by 4. These abilities
can be used in all fights!
- User File structure changed, but used the reserved bits so no is conversion
neccessary. Existing users will get default values of the abilities.
- User Stats is much faster, but it takes a bit more memory.
- Removed the -AD command line option. Auto terminal detection is now the
- Added -NAD command line option. Disables the auto terminal detection.
- Added -RIP switch, forces RIP even if the user does not have RIP.
- Messed with the Maintanance, it will be a little slower, but safer for mail.
- The editor now edits all the new values (the abilities)
- Added -MM argument. Forces maintanance even if it was run that day already,
does not check! Will force a new day on all players! Use only if you know
what you are doing. Good if you want to test the game, or if you are just
trying the game and want to test it as a several days game ...
- When local mode is invoked with the -l option a better display and
prompt is used.
- There are two main menus in the menu files, it's the one iwth the interbbs
option. And there is also the interbbs menu.
- Compiled with a new version of OpenDoors (v6.00)
- The struct.doc file updated to display the new file structure.
- 3rdparty.doc updated.
- The IGMs can now read/write the new values into the text character file.
- Sex turns not being decremented on user rapes bug fixed.
- Recompiled the Editor, and made a few fixes made it faster and safer.
- When no dropfile found the game displays it's own no dropfile msg instead of
default opendoors one.
- Screen not cleared on exit if the login was not with the "-L" argument.
- Optimized menus, saved 10k
- Optimized online fights, saved 8k
- New trimming routine.
- User names from the local login prompt are now trimmed of uneccessary
- Fixed a file finding and opening bug ...
- Fixed a stack overflow bug which i'm not sure if it occured in v0.05 ...
- Fixed a bug not deleting all dead user's messages ... Revamped the deleting
part completely, making it a tiny bit slower, but MUCH MUCH safer.
- Small Local name input bug fixed. (local logon)
- Several display bugs fixed!
- "?" didn't work in drugs menu.
- Craps is spelled Crabs ...:) sorry bout this. file structures not changed
because of this though
- The idle time time slicing now actually really works ... so multitasker
support is now much much better then before.
- The "-p" command line argument now works right for NYEDIT
- Online fights should now cause more problems if an online message is sent to
that node!
v0.10 BETA 1-3 (The above is a compilation of the new features in those
releases The Wide BETA 1 is the BETA 3 release basicaly)
The 0.0? series releases
v0.06 (alpha release of v0.10 on my bbs only!)
Look at v0.10 for features ... 0.06 was the marking for all the v0.10 alpha
versions, since they were on my bbs only. 0.06 did not have the complete
feature list. Was never released on any BBS but mine.
v0.05a (very minor release)
- The game can now autodetect the terminal emulation type, just use the
-AD command line option.
v0.05 (Minor Release)
- Created my own copyfile and delete routines so the game does not call dos
anymore (xcept to run IGMs).
- New in game events that happen practically anywhere in the game. They
happen sparsely though.
- The polling value can now be edited. So you can fine-tune your multitasker!
Make sure you use the new .cfg file! or copy the "PollingValue" keyword into
your .cfg file if you wish to change it!
- The you are being fought by another node bug fixed, finally!
v0.04 (Minor Release)
- Better slice releasing under multitaskers. THX DINK! You can turn off the
time slicing in the .cfg file if you wish.
- Does not ask if the player wants to have sex with a user of if he wants to
rape if he already used up all his sex turns.
- If a user does not have any hits of his drug it does not tell him he has to
sell it.
- Checks for flags during fights only every second, not all the time!
- If user said no to "you'll have to sell all yer hits of your currnt drug"
it changed the drug anywayz.
- Very minor display bugs fixed.
- Again a fix in the file checking during idle, it didn't check untill a
key was pressed!
- Well since there are a lot of people running older versions I'm not telling!
It was strange but only worked for higher level users!
v0.03c (Bugfixes only)
- Command line reading bug fixed! The one with the -p argument. This one
was a hard to find but I GOT IT!
v0.03b (Bugfixes only)
- Overflow in Evil Stuff fixed.
- User being fought bug fixed (multinode only).
- Current Player being fought bug fixed (multinode only).
- Not checking for online messages durning idle bug fixed (multinode only).
v0.03a (VERY minor release)
- Send money through mail option added (in bank)! This added 4 lines to the
lines.dat file.
- Finally made the menu capitalization constant and went and capitalized all
menu items (menus.dat).
- Very small display changes in a few places.
- Few misspellings and linguistic errors fixed.
v0.03 (Minor Release)
- NY2008.CFG was renamed to SAMPLE.CFG to avoid overwriting during unzip.
(if you have not had ny2008 instaled before, copy this file to NY2008.CFG!)
- New, more user friendly, registration program, same name, REGISTER.EXE
- Editor now includes Levels/Minimum Points table when you enter points
- The NYEDIT.EXE is smaller about 35k or so!
- New command line parameter, RESET, which will reset the game, instead of
the old RESET.BAT! (works with multiple game setups and you can include a
.CFG file using the "-C" parameter.
- It is now faster in multitasking enviroment since it does not check for
flags that often during idle anymore.
- Added "CheckFlagsEvery" keyword to SAMPLE.CFG file so you can edit exactly
how often does NY2008 check for other nodes messages during idle. Read
the SAMPLE.CFG file for more info!
- No-Self-Mail checking finally works ...
- Message automatically aborted if nothing in the body and user does not want
to have sex.
- "Nothing happened" displayed if newzfiles not found or found empty
(this added 2 lines to lines.dat, and linesc.dat)
- The bps rate is not read in, if a fossil is used. This should solve some
communication problems.
- "-RDBPS" comand line option added. Makes the game read the locked bps!
use only if you have problems
- Users can't change their drug when they're high. they gotta sober up first!
(1 more line in lines.dat (and linesc.dat) file)
- If a player looses in an offline player fight he looses all his money on
- An overflow bug fixed when buying drugs when the user had a LOT of money.
(It would mess up the users money and points)
- Offline player fight bug fixed if maintanance ran on another node.
- RIP users should be allright now (used to be some display garbage).
- Also RIP users might have gotten ASCII not ANSI... I fixed that too
- [F9] did not work if Standard personality was chosen in the .cfg file
- In editor, when entering points only numbers can be entered.
- In editor, a small statusline display bug fixed.
- Few misspellings fixed.
- Alt keys did not work if NY2008 personality was chozen in the .cfg file.
- A lot of display bugs fixed (it just looks a bit better now).
Known maybe-bugs:
- A user got "agreed and had sex with you" from a male player, I could not
duplicate it. Only one system reported it. Strange. I looked through all
parts that posted messages and all parts that recieved and could not find
something that would put a had sex with you flag on ... I think it must
have gotten corrupted somehow from defeated you message ...
- "You are being fought node" bug still not caught, if it is a bug. It looks
like the flag might be left in place after an error or a sys-crash. It
might not be a bug and might not even be caused by the game. If you
turn of multinode support or run crash recovery during maintanance each
day it should not ever come up anywayz. (I'm strongly convinced it is not
a bug but something that happened with my board)
(NOTE: Fixed in v0.05)
v0.02 (Minor Release)
- IGMs can be in fights as events. Just add the IGM's you want to be available
as fight events into a file called '3RDEVENT.DAT'. The format is the same as
- New IGM Installation program that implements the fight event igms. It's in
the main archive in (NY_IGMIN.ZIP, same as before).
- Franz's Bar has a minor release, with afew bugfixes and the new installation
program (NY_BAR12.ZIP).
- The checking for flags is faster, so the game should be a bit faster now.
- The "1 File Copied" message is not displayed localy anymore.
- Personalities can be changed even when a user is online.
- New personality called "NY2008" which will display player status, like points
and money. From this status line you can switch to any other personality.
If you want "NY2008" personality online press Alt-[F1].
- Mail name searching bug fixed!
- If user has enough money to buy an A-Bomb but isn't level 20, it tells him
before it kicks him back to menu.
- A bug in IGM prompt fixed, nothing major.
- Few small display bugs fixed
v0.01 (Major Release)
- The maintanance should now take about 2,000,000,000 messages without
crashing (theoretically).
- Can have infinite number of IGMs now. If you use the OTHER.ANS, .ASC, .AVT
screen to override the default display, only one screen is used so the
numbers of the IGM in the 3rdparty.dat is the number to enter to run the
igm, if other.a?? is not used it's allways 1-20 on infinite number of pages.
- IGM display faster due to pre-formatting the 3rdparty.dat each play into
a temporary binary file which is read from the disk to save memory.
- "Q", "?" are now hotkeyd in IGM menu, along with the new Next and Previous
commands (only active when there is more than 20 igms).
- Rank number and inactivity days are no longer read from igm dropfiles,
to prevent errors.
- New text file character information dropfile for IGM's so that the non-C
programmers can make IGM's easier. (read 3rdparty.doc for more info!)
- If 3rdmnt.bat is found in the game dir it will be executed after the
nightly maintanance if you need to run something everynight.
- If the screen length is not read properly it's reset to 24 lines
- Custom Installation Program is included in the main archive
- Franz's Bar and Jackpot IGM's have 1.1 releases (NY_BAR11.ZIP and NY_JP11.ZIP)
- New IGM called Shoot Em is released! (NY_SHOOT.ZIP)
- Few Display bugs fixed.
- Few misspellings fixed.
These were the WIDE BETA public releases
- Killed the turning cursor on the mail search thing ... I put it in there
partly cuz it looked good but it slowed the mail search down about 60 to
100 timez! So I took it out <G> Sorry that was in there and ya had to put
up with it but that just happens. Now it just says "Searching ..." and
that's it.
- If a player hangs up in player fight the player that is fought was, not
let in again, it's fixed now.
- Few minor display bugs fixed.
- Clean mode, will make the game "CLEAN". You cannot rape and language has
been cleaned up ... though I think it's pretty clean to begin with. If you
want to change something else in clean mode .... let me know and I'll do
it fer ya.
- On exit from IGM it now checks the deadly percentages and if user hasn't
been killed properly in the igm it will kill him with the usual die message.
- New users can no longer input a name that is already used but capitalized.
(e.g. Franz and fRanz are now considered same in the new user name scan, and
also if user changes his name)
- Users can no longer send mail to themselves.
- Brought down the executable size 50k (from 308k to 258k)
- Also look for the BAR igm (NY_BAR.ZIP) it should be available at the same
time as this version.
- Duplicate name checking bug fixed. (sometimez said it was duplicate even
when it wasn't)
- Change info now really checks for duplicate namez. (I hate bugs)
- Two carrige returns in (.asc,.ans) scorefiles bug fixed
- A small display bug in Evil Stuff fixed.
- Few misspellings fixed.
- In adding the command line to the 3rdparty.dat file you can add '*' in
front and it will use the exe file name's dir instead the game dir.
(has to be the first character on the line)
- You can restrict players ability to get into IGM's by security level.
Do this by putting '{<minimum security level>}' into the command line of
the IGM.
- You can have a custom display of available IGM's by creating a file
called OTHER.ASC, OTHER.ANS and OTHER.AVT (you don't have to make all of
them, but they will be displayed to user if available and his termonal
- The drop files for IGM's format has changed a bit .... there are two more
fields, terminal emulation and user location! Sorry about this! It will be
easy to change that and since I don't think there's a single IGM out there
except the one I just wrote I don't think it will affect anything.
- I made an IGM! It's a very simple JACKPOT IGM and the filename is
NY_JPIGM.ZIP (I will release the source soon ... I have to clean it up
- You can now edit the chances of being busted and succssesfull for every
offense in the .cfg file. of course you can only do that if you registered.
- You can now be unsuccessfull smashing up a car and breaking a window.
I have changed the default chances accordingly.
- Few minor display bugs fixed.
- The 3rdparty.dat could not be read sometimes.
- Slow other stuff display bug fixed.
- Fixed dos calls bug created in wb5 that didn't clean up after players by
deleting the flag files.
- Moved a few lines from menus.dat into the lines.dat and added one or two
- Made some dos calls slightly faster.
- Changed the Initial screen a bit.
- Fixed a bug deleting dead user messages
- Fixed a few display bugs
- You can steal more from the bank
- Curing STD's is now a bit cheaper, especially for higher levels
- File locking bug fixed, which may have been causing the user file deletes
- Few display bugs fixed
- Online flag before user was online bug fixed
- Few editor bugs fixed
- Free hookers bug fixed
- Menu titles are now in the LINES.DAT file.
- And a few more things in the LINES.DAT file
- Added and updated stuff in the MENUS.DAT file.
- Changed the expert mode to help level toggle, it can now be expert, regular
and novice, novice is what regular was before, and expert mode did not
change. The regular mode will display the menu when you first enter it but
not after that.
- Color instructions.
- Expert mode now does not clear screen when the prompt is displayed.
- Online users notified of new mail!
- FlagDirectory option added to the .cfg file.
- Online players notified if a new player comes online or leaves.
- Bank Interest is now a registered only feature, and can be editted in the
.cfg file.
- Complete CHARACTER EDITTING in the NYEDIT.EXE player editor. (of course
if you didn't register yet ... ya can't really use it ....)
- Mail Sex bug fixed which caused infection to overflow if it was sent as
regular mail.
- The unregistered pause is not repeated if user presses enter.
- When sex mail is aborted it no longer subtract the sex turns.
- An online message overload during too many messages bug fixed.
- Online fight weapon swap bug fixed.
- Few minor display bugs fixed.
- Few misspellings fixed.
- If a user initiated an online fight, he can stop looking for the player.
(this is in case a player stays online after a crash)
- The game now uses file locking, instead of the old system. This should
fix the file sharing error bugs. All the files are open in share mode and
the access is locked just before and just after reading/writing.
- SingleNodeOnly mode added to the .CFG file for single node bbses.
(this disables online fights and messages, temporary files and speeds up
the game, read the .CFG file!)
- More Prompt now included when reading long messages.
- You can give credit to a user that paid for the registration in the .cfg file
- Screen is saved and then restored after dos shell.
- Few messages added.
- File error in mail fixed, a file stayed open.
- Display problem with the ` character fixed, this was in the colors help.
- Online message bug, sent to wrong people, fixed
- Few online fight bugs fixed.
- IGM menu display bug fixed.
- Two User Listing display bugs fixed.
- Several double display bugs fixed.
- Language file reading bug fixed, displayed wrong lines sometimes.
- Few misspellings fixed.
- Made the stuff displayed from textfiles to be faster.
- Added about 40 more lines to the LINES.DAT file
- Changed some file opening techniques so that more nodes can read
the same file at a time but only one can have read/write access
- More prompt is now displayed if user list or newz is longer than a page
- Screen is saved (if enough memory exists) before and after chat, online
fights and online messages.
- More prompts are erased after a key is hit.
- Few mail display bugs fixed.
- New day every play if -NM option was enabled before maintanance bug fixed.
- More prompt file display bug fixed.
- Few more minor bugs fixed.
These were the BETA versions only tested on selected sitez
- Changed the .STS fileNAME format for IGM's.
(uses node # instead of user #)
- Non addictive drugs now lower attack strength.
- Colors in the instruction file.
- Colors can be used in namez!!!
- Take Drug added to the attack menu.
- Two new events in the street.
- In evil stuff the game now displays the number of points earned.
- Will now support colors in enemy names ... when i make the enemy editor.
- Reduced point values in evil stuff.
- WTC bombing and Poisoning of water can only be done once a day now.
- They're also more expensive to do but easier to succeed.
- This also changed the file structures, but no need for a conversion!
(I used up 2 bytes of the reserved space in the file structure)
- Menus and larger texts are now stored in the MENUS.DAT and can be editted.
- Most of the textlines are in the LINES.DAT.
(contains practically all the text used)
- This saved 23k of memory! (from 283k to 260k exe file)
- Changed the gun prices.
- Users now get a bit less money for fights.
- Healing is cheaper.
- Reworked the enemy files.
- The Crash Recovery system bug fixed ... (very dangerous one too)
- Players unavailable for fight bug fixed.
- Hotels display bug fixed.
- Two nodes fighting the same player bug fixed.
- Online Fight overflow and display bugs fixed.
- Fight hitforce overflow bug fixed.
- Few minor bugs fixed.
- Few misspellings fixed.
- IGM support is now complete (read 3rdparty.doc and struct.doc)
- Money in bank gets now 5% interest a day.
- COLORS are in!!! Same codes as in LORD. They work in mail and stuff the
player says when he's beaten, or won, also in newz (not in names).
- Weapon price listing option added.
- Game now displays what you get after a kill.
- Re-wrote the attacking mechanism (for better I hope)
- Curing STD's now cheaper.
- Best score bug fixed.
- Blank disease bug fixed.
- Hippie event now works.
- Several display bugs fixed.
- Lotsa other bugs fixed.
- Infection overflow bug fixed (was lethal to players!)
- Few other overflow bugs fixed.
- Users getting kicked out of hotel every day bug fixed.
- Users getting kicked out of hospital all the time bug fixed.
- Lotsa other bugs fixed usually connected with the new stuff from BETA 6.
- Faster consious player display.
- Faster heal wounds display.
- New user file structure, though adding 12 bytes per user, 10 of which
are reserved, I compressed all other records so that it is now 6 bytes
shoreter per user than in the beta 1 format.
- Hotel is now paid for days not until next play.
- The kicking out of hospital is always two days after you got yer ass kicked,
not like in beta 5 when after 2 days of inactivity you were kicked out every
- Started implementing IGMs (far from done yet)
- Drugs get more expensive, at a slow rate, int different levels.
- Regular mode is now the default choice in the startup menu.
- Added Street fight events, three now implemented.
- Added Crash recovery to get all online flags and temporary files and flags
outta there and read in temp user files: -CR option on the command line.
- Few minor bugs and misspellings fixed.
- BBS name display bug fixed in the editor.
- Expert mode!
- Faster display of instructions.
- Quit is the default action in news.
- Game is now RIP ready but still does not support RIP.
- The maintanance now doesn't run the first day since there is no need to.
- Nasty user adding bug.
- Few minor bugs and misspellings fixed.
- Whoops .... if an user beat user he got 80% of his points instead of 8%.
- Few minor bugs fixed.
- Should not break down if user hangs up during maintanance.
- When a user is beat on the street the game should not hang anymore.
- Few other minor bugs fixed.
New Features:
- Faster display!
- Better UserStats display
- Hotkeyed menu displays
- Online Fight rape bug fixed
- Editor display bug fixed
Since the ALPHA versions were not released at all, except my bbs I did not
include a what's new file.